With the vast number of shipping containers housed at seaports, and the need for effective logistics always in play (not to mention the tightest levels of health and safety) the need for rapid, clearly delivered communication is evident.
Read MoreCommunication is one of the most important tools in the warehousing sector. Whatever your day-to-day operations entail, keeping your workers connected can help to streamline your processes and optimise your productivity.
Read MorePlant managers, supervisors and the general workforce within the manufacturing sector need effective communications between the manufacturing plants, warehouses and supply chain.
Read MoreWhether it is people or assets being transported, businesses in the transport and logistics sector must meet strict deadline and delivery demands. Knowing exactly where your supply chain is helps with planning and efficiency.
Read MoreNRC helps industry and manufacturing businesses to work smarter, not harder through effective two way radio communication solutions. We will show you what good looks like and then help you to maintain it.
Read MoreNRC has a wealth of experience delivering robust, reliable and high quality two way radio solutions to leisure facilities such as gyms, fitness centres, sports centres, swimming pools, golf courses and holiday parks.
Read MoreWith an increasing need for businesses in the hospitality industry to provide outstanding customer service, in order to outperform competitors and keep customers returning, a professional two way radio solution is a necessity.
Read MoreEvery day, people around the world rely on security teams for protection without even realising it. As such, devices which are as tough as the job that enable fast, efficient communication with crystal clear audio are absolutely critical.
Read MoreA dependable two way radio solution is critical for hospitals, care homes, GP surgeries and other healthcare facilities that want to provide optimal safety and security for patients, staff and visitors.
Read MoreSecurity is just one of the many responsibilities of schools, colleges and universities and you will undoubtedly already have a number of measures in place to keep students, staff and visitors safe, such as CCTV, fencing, and door codes.
Read MoreWhen it comes to communication, the farming and agriculture sector certainly presents its challenges to workers: dangerous and loud machinery or vehicles, unpredictable livestock, teams spread out over large geographical areas, working outdoors in all weathers.
Read MoreWhether you need to quickly respond to a customer query, call for a “clean-up on aisle five” or alert a first aider to an in-store emergency, two way radio allows your teams to make the most of their time, to assist customers quickly and efficiently and to maintain health and safety.
Read MoreTwo way radio is the best power tool for safety, job coordination and productivity. Whatever the size of the site and the complexity of the project, the correct two way communications solution makes a big difference to the time and costs involved in bringing a project to completion.
Read MoreThe utilities and power industries can be complex environments – and this complexity and diversity necessitates effective, instant communications that help managers, supervisors and on-the-ground staff keep pace with the changes and respond to directives as promptly as possible.
Read MoreConcerts, fairs, museums, amusement parks, sports events, and conventions are busy places and need two-way radios to manage everything that is going on. But which two-way radio is the best one for your needs?
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