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0800 195 5919

Combat Retail Crime

Safeguard Your Business


Crime is commonplace across retail environments in any and every location – whether it’s a small village or town centre, a huge shopping mall, a local newsagent’s or a major high-street store. Shoplifting, vandalism, aggressive or threatening behaviour and simple troublemaking can all put a dent in your profits, driving customers away from your shop and making life difficult for you and your employees.

A collaborative Shopwatch Scheme facilitated by CCTV, mobile security personnel and two-way radios is one of the most effective ways of dealing with these issues, and at NRC Radio we can play a vital role in making your local scheme a success. We supply all the two-way radios you require, allowing you to take advantage of the excellent standards of audio and voice quality offered by our walkie-talkies – all backed by quality servicing and maintenance.

Secure Your Scheme

How NRC Can Help Your Shopwatch


1. We will supply all Shopwatch members with the 2-way radios that their employees require
2. We are on hand 24/7 for maintenance and technical support
3. We help retail security and staff to contact one another rapidly, reliably, with minimal interference, whenever they need to
4. Send a warning to everybody on the link of potential troublemakers in the locality
5. Combat shoplifting, vandalism and anti-social behaviour
6. Cost-effective communication that reduces the damage caused by shoplifting and anti-social behaviour

Need help?

Contact us for radio sales, hire, maintenance, associated services, or general enquiries.

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