The IP501M is a new LTE/PoC mobile radio to complement Icom’s IP501H/IP503H LTE radio handheld counterpart. Designed to be installed in a vehicle, the IP501M will provide a straight forward, easy to use communication tool allowing drivers with nationwide and European PTT radio coverage using the LTE/4G and 3G network.
With the custom Icom SIM card, the IP501M operates over 4G / LTE in a closed private network. Businesses can benefit from nationwide, European or even global coverage* without the need for repeaters thus reducing the cost of building and maintaining a wide area network. Users also operate on a closed, private LTE mobile data network providing an extra level of security.
*Network roaming charges may apply.
The Simultaneous TalkListen function provides full-duplex one-to-many communication which users can talk and receive at the same time like a telephone style conversation.
With the VE-PG4 RoIP Gateway Module, the Icom LTE radio solution will provide interoperability with a whole host of radio systems and operating aids such as IP phones, analogue transceivers, IDAS digital transceivers and IP100H wireless LAN network systems. In addition, GPS positional data can be displayed on a dispatcher.